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REVIEW: Tick, Tick...BOOM! at Hackmatack

Jacob J. Zentis as Jon (photo by Ben Bagley)
WHAT: tick, tick ... BOOM!
WHERE: Hackmatack Farm & Playhouse
BLURB: The "RENT" forerunner
HIGH POINT: The voices!

Tick, tick ... BOOM! is a heartfelt show, with a cast that puts their heart and soul into it. It's not a killer script, but certainly an entertaining one. Its cast is impressive, and the human passage at its center is something most people can empathize with.

This musical will feel rather familiar to "Rent" devotees. It is, in fact, written by its author Jonathan Larson.

It's a far more modest piece, having started life as a one-man, semi-autobiographical rock musical, a vehicle for Larson himself. (It was later developed as a three-person piece by David Auburn, and later still a movie, which this reviewer hasn't seen, so can't comment on.)

The premise is similar to the larger, more spectacular, later version, and is likely the story of Rent's creation.

Jon, an aspiring musical composer/waiter, is about to turn 30, a fact that's thrown him into an emotional crisis. He's doubting his path, questioning everything, and scared. Is it time to jump or double down?
Jacob J. Zentis as Jon (photo by Ben Bagley)
Pressure from those closest to him adds to his angst: partner Susan (Lindsay Andrews) wants them to leave New York for New England and a "real life" (marriage and a steady job), and Michael (Joshua Clement) his best friend since age 8, bugs him to join his market research agency. There are other complications and, as yet unknown, a looming crisis.

Throughout the show Jon directly addresses the audience, filing in the workings of his mind.

TTB is billed as a rock musical. - Well, maybe. Some songs fall into that category, but its a mix of genres. In the end there's a few really beautiful tunes, some snappy ones and the rest there to advance the tale.

When the songs give the actors opportunity to lean into them you are in for a real treat.

Joshua Clement, Jacob J. Zentis, and Lindsay Andrews

The cast gives every tune what it calls for, like the all-cast, fun "Sunday" or "Johnny Can't Decide." But some simply soar. "Real Life" is gorgeous and Zentis's "See Her Smile" is sublime (what a delicious voice). When allowed to really sink their teeth in, all three -(the rich Andrews, smooth Clement, and plummy Zentis) deliver lovely, layered sounds.

Zentis is steady, funny and likable, Andrews is on point and fun in numerous roles (love Rosa) with Clement equally on target as Michael and dad.
Lindsay Andrews as Susan (photo by Ben Bagley)
Director David Kaye has done a great job creating character, and a heroic one artfully filling the stage with three people who aren't given a lot of opportunity for action by the script. Together he and Choreographer Sophie Calderwood add some smart flourish.

Music Director Emily Zentis and the live band really bring the score to life.

Joshua Clement as Michael (photo by Ben Bagley)
Kudos to Lighting Designer Tayva Young, Set Designer Evan Stechauner, and Costume Designer Shaughnessey Gower - all adding to the package.

tick, tick ... BOOM! achieves entertainment, more importantly it offers some absolutely incredible musical moments, delivered by a vocally talented cast. Add to that it's presented on stage at the Hackmatack barn and it's a definite for the summer "must do" list.

WHERE: Hackmatack Farm & Playhouse, 538 Rte 9, Berwick, ME
WHEN: Through July 15
COST: $15-$40
Youth, Student, Adult, & Senior pricing available

IMPORTANT NOTE: Buy tickets DIRECT from the venue's website. Outside ticket resellers are adding exorbitant fees to ticket prices.

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