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REVIEW: Gobsmacked! at NHTP

WHAT: Gobsmacked!
WHERE: New Hampshire Theatre Project
BLURB: Silliness on steroids
HIGH POINT: Greeting Card (can say no more)

TL;DR: Classic Hosker-Bouley sex farce script with more twists than a bag of Twizzlers, and just as many snorts and laughs.

Here's an example of your mind on a George Hosker-Bouley original play, (and perhaps even more so with Gobsmacked! his latest): "Where the hell did that just come from?" "What the heck was that, and why?" "Huh?" "Hahahahahaha!" "Dear lord in Parliament, did he just say that?"

The best way to respond to the inner dialogue is to sit back and let the looney fly, 'cause - well - fun, and silly and forgetting the world at large. It's all a good thing.

This latest sex farce is the first live production by Hosker-Bouley in three years, and he's given his audience what it is they trust him to serve up.

Gobsmacked! is set on the soundstage of "The Love Birds," a 1958, hit sitcom. We watch them tape, then comes the real action with its two stars going at one another.

Meanwhile, another actress plots her climb, the director tries to keep the peace, and pretty much, everyone is canoodling with everyone else.

To divulge more would take half the fun out of watching; heaven forbid the "what the hell?" is quashed, though it's unlikely a quick review could do justice to the twists, turns, and bloody foolishness.

Suffice it to say, it's a true Hosker, with music interludes, left-field twists, and puns o'plenty. He's also paid attention to the era, peppering fun references throughout. And, oh that greeting card reference, a bullseye.

In addition to writing the piece Hosker-Bouley directs and performs in it.

As director he's staged well, and keeps the pace at just the right speed, no foolish lingering. He's also done a fine job casting.

Hosker-Bouley is Shane Sturbridge, the show's star, and a longtime T.V.-land fav. Hosker-Bouley nails the suave, biting, arrogant character, the perfect adversary to the nasty piece of work that is Jennifer Doherty, perfectly performed by Katy Hunt.

Hosker-Bouley andHunt give off a great, and believable energy working across one another.

Sarah Shanahan as Director Elise Marshall, sort of the ring leader to the crazy "Lovebirds" crew. It's a well-nuanced performance. The lady shows perfect, subtle comedic chops. Then there's delivery of "The Man I Love," spot on.

Ditto for Heidi Gagne as Winnie Markle, the ambitious actress. Her character has just the right amount of supercilious delivery. Her rendition of "If They Could See Me Now" was a show hit.

Steve Hamel gives a smart delivery as Frank Doherty, the perfect foil.

Carter Short plays Daniel Madden whose role can not be divulged. But we can say the young actor shows strong promise, and holds his own.

Set designer Michael Hosker-Bouley has once again delivered one of his carefully detailed period sets.

Keith Brocatos's lights and sound and costuming design by George Hosker-Bouley go a long way supporting the '50s stamp.

So, summary: Gobsmacked! is a pun-a-licous and supercilious break from a drab winter day. Leave your probing mind at the door and enjoy a good-time break.

WHERE: New Hampshire Theater Project, 959 Islington St., Portsmouth N. H.
WHEN: through Feb. 26
COST: Adults $28: Seniors, Students, Military $25 CONTACT: 978-683-7745

Playwright: George Hosker-Bouley
Director: George Hosker-Bouley
Scenic: Michael Hosker-Bouley
Lighting & Sound: Keith Brocato
Costume: George Hosker-Bouley


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